How many of us have promised ourselves that as business owners this is the year, we will reduce time spent on admin duties and make more time for ‘operational’ income generating tasks? ‘We will streamline our Human Resources processes’, ‘we will be generally more organised’…
Then the work flows in and before we know it, those promises evaporate as we focus on the day to day running of the business.
GDPR compliant HR records system
Many SME business owners tell me that they have an HR system, the trusted Excel spreadsheet – populated with all the employee’s information and fit for purpose?
Not GDPR compliant, and rarely up to date, but I guess it will do?! Right?
Wrong! Excel certainly has its place in the workplace, however, it is certainly not the right tool for recording employee information.
If you have employees, you need to manage their records too…holiday requests, up to date records, sickness records, training records, filing …endless filing – your systems may have evolved over the years, but take hours of your valuable time to administer. Or, worse, piles of documents around the office and dealing with them remains at the bottom of your ever growing ‘to do list’… sound familiar?
There are many benefits of signing up to our HR information system, learn more here:
Monitoring and identifying trends in Staff Absences
You will be able to manage staff absences in one place with an easy online holiday approval system (also available via a phone app). Employee self-service for holiday requests make absence recording simple with a central calendar so you can see at a glance what is going on.
People genuinely get sick, but without effective absence tracking you won’t spot trends. BreatheHR helps you take control and manage sickness absence.
Non-standard working patterns
If you have part time employees or employees who work irregular hours? The system can cope with calculating and recording holiday entitlement for these employees too.
Document management – no more filing!
Environmentally friendly – the document management element of this system is the perfect tool to make HR administration a more efficient and streamlined process. No need for filing cabinets or personal folders with our paperless online system.
Performance Management
Performance management becomes simple. BreatheHR makes it really easy to analyse and boost employee performance. Maximise the output of one of your most expensive resources.
Schedule and record one-to-one meetings, generate objectives and record employee performance goals. Appraisals made easy.
Management Information
Generating reports has never been so simple. Allowing you to extract the management information you need to run your business cost effectively. Enjoy a free trial, you will be surprised how easy and effective the system is and what a difference it can make to the time you have available to work on your core business activity.
We can also save you time by helping you set up the system. Prices start from £9 per month for up to 10 employees on a sliding scale up to a maximum of £199 per month for up to 250 employees.
Contact us today and tick one of those New Year’s resolutions off the list!